Nine in ten children in Africa cannot read with comprehension by the age of 10. This phenomenon is called learning poverty.
By the age of 10, a child in school should be able to read and do basic math, the foundational skills necessary for further learning and the development of advanced skills. To bridge this gap in Ghana, Bountiful Technologies Ltd and Bountiful STEM Educational Foundation is partnering with Reading Horizons, the Ga South Municipal Directorate of Ghana Education Service, the Agona West Municipal Directorate of Ghana Education Service and two private schools ( RisingSun Montessori Schools and West End International school) to pilot the Science of Reading program in Ghana.
20 English Language Arts, STEM teachers and supervisors were trained on the Science of Reading Methodology and the pilot kicked off on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. This teacher led and technology supported learning pilot will run for the next six months. After a successful pilot, the program will be rolled out to all schools in Ghana.

Thanks to Tyson Smith and Angie Smith,Curt Allen , SETH OGOE AYIM, the Municipal Directors of Ghana Education Service , the senior management , teachers of RisingSun Montessori Schools and West End International School, and Selina Appiah and her team Bountiful Technologies Ltd and Jim Laudie Bountiful STEM Educational Foundation ( donating the computers to be used in Agona West Municipal Ghana Education Service Schools) for providing the technical support on the ground.