Our Field Operations team led by our Co-founder and Executive Director SETH OGOE AYIM, PMP, MPA, MACS-CP, IP3,CITIP, STEM Expert were in Atiwa West District Ghana Education Service (GES)in the Eastern Region to donate 24 desktops computers fully configured with virtual STEM, CS, Robotics and AI Labs and Elevate the Science of Reading software. These computers, labs and software will enhance teaching and learning of STEM and Computing and developing strong reading habits among 3000+ students in the Atiwa district thus inspiring them to pursue career pathways in STEM and becoming lifelong learners.
The team met with the District Director, Deputy Director of Monitoring and Supervision, and the Coordinator of Early childhood and Girl Child. In attendance were three headmasters of , Asunafo D/A, Kwabeng Zion, and Semekoblase Basic Schools and their students and teachers.
The District Director of GES and his team expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the donation and promised to ensure the equipment will be put to effective use to benefit learners in the district. To demonstrate the district commitment three STEM, Robotics and Reading Clubs were found.

Bountiful Technologies Ltd and Bountiful STEM Educational Foundation have been the Atiwa West District since 2019 and have trained over 300 teachers and donated educational robotics and STEM kits worth over $20k and hosted 4 years continuously Girl Powered STEM workshops and robotics competition in the districts. These interventions have impacted over 700 girls bridge the gender disparities in STEM and Computing career hence leaving no girl child behind.